
Archive for May 2009

If there is anything I should be doing now, that is to slow down.

My friend has been concerned with all my dramatic hyperventilating, uncalled for yelling, constant nagging and a waging messy to-dos flying in my head. Seriously, last week was such a busy week.
Besides indulging in work, I was well, not far from it even during the weekend camp (Saturday to mid-Sunday) that I attended. Believe it or not, I spent the whole of last week in school. Yes, I kid you not. I was a school-aholic. True blue NP lover.

Throughout the weekend, I slogged (with a fellow compatriot) in the comfort of air-conditioned rooms. It was as though I was not frozen to death enough in the chill-t0-the-bone classrooms and lecture theaters of Ngee Ann Polytechnic.
As for the rest of the weekend not spent in camp, I was that close to hibernating. I barely walked out of my room on Sunday. Call me extreme, I even sat on the floor the entire time when I was working in my room on Sunday.

Sunday came to a close with a lousy series (Blade the series) airing as temporary replacement of Harper’s Island. Thanks to its (Blade the series) season premiere, it dashed all hopes of me pulling through Sunday evening… Awake. My eyelids were stubbornly protesting to sleep deprivation. However, I managed to finish most of the tasks at hand by midnight.

Switched off the lights, comfortably rested my head on my clean pillow and caved in to the clean-smelling sheets on my bed. Nothing beats sleeping.

Gah. Now before I suffer ultimate burnout, I will have to take a step back while remaining grounded, take a deep breath, feel the cool blades of grass under my feet and skip merrily for the rest of the journey.

Where will I be going? All I can say is that I am currently truly enjoying the sunlight that playfully warms my face.


May 2009